Such process as an annihilation can not be considered as process of destruction of particles, as in this case there is a reallocating an electronic neutrino of interacting particles. For example, "annihilation" of an electron and positron with formation of two photons more correct to esteem as an exchange reaction a neutrino, as a result of which one their total quantity remains invariable. Even the decay of a photon on a neutrino and antineutrino, which one is watched in many processes, in particular, at a radioactive decay can not be considered as full disappearance of a photon, but only by its decay on component particles. The present loss of a photon is connected to an annihilation an electronic neutrino and antineutrino. In outcome the photon really fades, and its energy is transmitted completely to other particles. For example, at occluding photons by matter, their energy is completely transmitted to atoms, and the photons perish. 

On the other hand, the exuberant energy of a particle is easily transformed into pairs a neutrino - antineutrino (photons) or, at sufficiency of exuberant energy - in any other particles under condition of stringent fulfilment of an energy conservation law and electric charge.

Thus, the interconvertibility of matter and energy is the fundamental law of the nature. The modern physics as a matter of fact considers a described transmission mode of energy alone, while new physics guesses, that the same functions can execute and any field, as the certain substance, spread in space, not inclusive of "carriers" of interplay as any particles (particles also are only clots of a field and do not comprise "matter")". The interplay in a quantum theory of a field looks as exchange of field quanta: the photons transfer an electromagnetic interaction between charged particles, for example by electrons; p-mesons (quanta p-meson field) - nuclear interaction between nucleones etc." Physics of a microcosmos, "Soviet encyclopedia", М., 1980, page 315.

Pay attention of the reader that the mechanism of such interplay to official physics is unknown. Is vague even, whence takes up "field quanta" and where disappear.

For further, it is important to us to consider the mechanism of birth of new particles at the expense of exuberant energy mother. In opinion of new physics any particle represents a gravidynamic system representing orbital motion several component. At acceleration of a particle (or increase of energy of particles already driving with speed of light, for example photons) radius of orbit component decreases, that at constant value of an angular momentum results in increase of a particle mass. At a suddenly stop such particle, similarly to a highly compressed spring, will have considerable exuberant energy at the expense of transformation of relativistic increase of mass again in energy. If at acceleration of a particle increasing mass augments intensity of a gravidynamic field, causing to reduce radius of orbit component, and the further decreasing of radius is hinders by increasing universal repulsing, i.e. the particle has all time the equilibrium configuration, at a stop of a particle its configuration becomes non-equilibrium. Passing from this disequilibrium condition in equilibrium, the particle gives rise to such new particles, in such quantity and with such kinetic energy (on it a large fraction of common balance is pass) that allow energy conservation law and electric charge. "If the energy of a photon is very great, it can spawn not only pair е+е-, but also any other aggregate of particles with quantum numbers of vacuum (i.e. zero summary electrical and baryon charges etc.), for example a pair of muons  or pair a proton – antiproton . The annihilation of a pair a fragment - antiparticle not only in photons is possible also, but also in massive particles, the birth which one is not forbidden by conservation laws". Physics of a microcosmos, "Soviet encyclopedia ", М., 1980, page 114.

Apparently, that if a particle to not immobilize, it will be stable all time of motion with a relativistic velocity, therefore for any unstable particle there is some threshold kinetic energy, higher by which the particle is one can live unrestrictedly long. Thus, the fact of increase of a life time of relativistic particles cannot be esteemed as unequivocal endorsement of a special relativity theory (SRT), bound with change of flow of time in a driving system.

Let's consider pertinent ad-hoc analogy to formation of atom of hydrogen. The non-equilibrium system from a proton and electron will become equilibrium at "dip" of an electron on a nucleus with radiation of exuberant energy as photons so long as the electron will not take a ground state on Bohr orbit. It is important to us now to pay attention that: 

1. The exuberant energy is beamed as photons, i.e. particles consisting from a neutrino and antineutrino. It is clear, that it is the elementary version not breaking any of the laws of the nature. 

2. Quantumness of this process is conditioned by that any photons have the same angular momentum equal . The values of an angular momentum of a photon in official and new physics coincide.

3. Some initial kinetic energy of an electron in by the beginning of its "dip" on a nucleus, which one can have any value, is beamed as an ionization continuum.

4. The transition of an electron to this or that excited level has miscellaneous probability, miscellaneous and life time of an electron at miscellaneous levels, but any of these transitions is possible down to transition at once in a ground state (into Bohr orbit).

By taking advantage obvious sympathies of the nature to the standard solutions and applying this analogy to a elementary particle, in case of its sudden stop, it is possible to assert, that at the extension of a "compressed" particle (pursuant to by above listed points):

1. Will be beamed the photon (photons) and/or any number of any particles (in limits permitted an energy conservation law) with a total number in their structure an electronic neutrino to an equal total number an electronic antineutrino (i.e. with an integer "of photons"). Naturally, those in products "of decay" there will be also those fundamental particles, which one went into a structure initial (that, which one accelerated).

2. As under the formula (4.8) particle mass is proportional to its angular momentum, and the angular momentum of a photon is peer , the spectrum of masses given "of a spectral serial" of particles will differ from mass of an initial most light particle ("of a limit of a spectral serial of masses") on an integer of "photon" masses (this mass we shall discover below).

3. All "not quantized" energy "decaying" (as a matter of fact passing from one more exited state in another less exited) particle is affixed to kinetic energy of products of decay.

4. The transition of a particle in that or diverse exited state has miscellaneous probability (therefore have miscellaneous probability those or diverse channels of decay of the given particle). Accordingly and life time of this or that unstable particle miscellaneous, since it represents a definite exited state of initial particle. Any transition between these exited states is possible down to transition at once to an initial particle (which one, however at the same time, too can be unstable and to be disintegrated on component fundamental particles). Apparently, that the life time of a composite particle is determined by a life time of its most short-lived component.

"Photon" mass can be found as follows. As orbital (or motion on a screw trajectory) mechanical moment for a pair a neutrino in 137.04 times more own, to find out, on how many of pairs a neutrino - antineutrino (photons) one particle differs from another, it is necessary a difference of masses of these particles (in MeV) to section on a factor 137.04×0,511 = 70.03 MeV, where 0.511 - electronic mass in MeV. 

It is as a matter of convenience of further presentation, we shall call number of "photon" masses as a main quantum number of an elementary particle (MQN), as this number mirrors not real quantity of "photon" masses in a particle, and potential capacity of their formation. This factor updates the rule of the Japanese physicist Nambu, on which one the masses of large number of particles are aliquot to value 137me or half of this value. About "half" in this rule it is possible to tell, that it is indicated only an odd total number a neutrino in an initial particle kept and in all spectral serial of masses, which one can be formed by this particle.

Than mass of elementary particles is conditioned, the modern physics does not know. "The nature of mass - one of major unsolved problems of a modern physics. It is accepted to consider, that mass of a elementary particle is determined by fields, which one are connected to it (electromagnetic, nuclear etc.), however any quantitative theory of mass to create it was not possible. Does not exist as well the theory which is accounting for, why the masses of elementary particles will forms a discrete spectrum of values and the more so permitting to determine this spectrum". Physics of a microcosmos, "Soviet encyclopedia", М., 1980, page 245.